Cardano Summit Hackathon

1085 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
1085 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

Winners are announced.

starts on:
Aug 10, 2023, 12:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Sep 18, 2023, 12:00 PM UTC (UTC)



When do submissions start? And when do they end?
The submissions will run from 10 August until 18 September 2023. 

Where do teams submit their ideas?
Submissions will happen via the HackerEarth portal.

If the project comprises more than one “product” that can work separately but are also interoperable, should this be submitted as one project or as multiple projects?
As long as the full project belongs to one developer group, it should be entered as a single submission. 

Can one team propose a submission in more than one track?
There are no restrictions, but we advise each team to consider if they can maintain the same quality across two or more submissions.

What happens to the intellectual property (IP) rights of the projects submitted during the hackathon?
All intellectual property rights of the projects remain with the developers who created them. This means that the individuals or teams who participate in the hackathon retain full ownership of their code and any other intellectual property developed throughout the event.

Neither the Cardano Foundation nor HackerEarth will make any claims or attempt to assert ownership over the projects or their associated IP. The primary focus of the hackathon is to support and nurture the community's innovative ideas and creations, rather than seeking ownership or control over the participants' work.

In essence, the hackathon organizers will not acquire any rights to the projects, and the developers can continue to pursue their projects independently and maintain complete control over their intellectual property rights.

Is a DApp on a test network adequate for submission?
Yes, DApps on a test network (like pre-production or preview) are acceptable. Indeed, it’s common practice to initially develop and test DApps in such environments before deploying them onto the mainnet, as it allows developers to detect and fix any issues without risking real assets.

What types of workshops will take place during the hackathon?
There will be an initial Cardano Summit Hackathon kick-off webinar taking place on 10 August 2023, including a panel session on the The state of Development on Cardano. 
The second workshop will happen on 15 August, providing an intro about how to build on Cardano and how to create Smart Contracts using Aiken. 
The third online session will happen on 22 August 2023 and take the form of an open AMA session. 
The fourth and final Sprint Session will happen on 31 August providing participants guidelines for project submission.

In addition, the Hackathon Discord channel will offer real-time information, so we encourage all participants to join the channel to receive the latest updates regarding events and other details.

The Cardano Foundation’s YouTube channel has recordings of the four online sessions.

Does  the code developed for the hackathon need to be public?
No, there is no requirement to make the code public. The Hackathon accepts submission of private code, such as those in a private GitHub repository. 

Can we share and submit a private GitHub repository with the judges?
Yes, you can share a private GitHub repository with the judges. Please ensure you grant them the necessary access permissions, so they can review your code while maintaining its confidentiality.

Is it necessary to use entirely new code for the hackathon? What about code developed for a project that hasn’t yet launched, but where our team made some progress.
The team must be the rightful owner of the code, but the code itself doesn’t have to be entirely new. The jury will inspect the code and carry out the necessary verifications.

What happens if the participants use a third-party tool for their project?
As long as not claimed as belonging to the submitted project, both third-party APIs and developer tools previously created for Cardano can be used. Participants, however, cannot copy the code or any other core aspect of their submitted proposal from other projects.

Does a minimum viable product (MVP) count?
Yes, teams can present a pitch deck or demo of the project and their submissions will be considered valid. Nonetheless, fully finalized, flesh-out submissions will increase the chances of winning. Please carefully review the details of the five judging criteria applied to every entry: innovation & necessity (30%), product & tech maturity (30%), usability & user experience (20%), go-to-market strategy (10%), and team (10%).

Can an individual join two or more different teams?
Yes. Ultimately the decision belongs to the participating teams and developers.

How should teams present their proposals?
The minimum requirement is a pitch deck, but additional information could benefit teams. If they present a demo of the product, create a static web page showcasing the look of the project, or provide any other details, their chances of winning could improve. 

Is it possible to receive feedback during the submission phase of the hackathon?
To a certain extent, yes. Teams can use the Hackathon’s Discord server to ask the organizers general questions, such as steps in the ideation of the project or the proper category for submission. Both Cardano Foundation and HackerEarth officials will monitor the Discord channel and answer queries in real time. However, questions about the quality of the proposals, their chances of success, or how well they fit with the judging criteria will be left unanswered.

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